Saturday, February 9, 2013

Worth Waiting For

Waiting.  It stinks.  Whether it's in line at the grocery store behind the sweet little lady with 147 coupons, or in the doctor's office, or in traffic, waiting is not my favorite. 

It's a part of life we just can't get around, and I think God uses it to remind me I'm not the only person on the planet for one, and two, why am I in such a hurry?

See, God isn't at all interested in getting us where we are going FAST.
He does promise, though, that He WILL get us where we are going, if the road we are on is His.
Psalm 37:7 reminds us to "be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him.."

Are you in a period of waiting? Praying? Watching? Hoping?  Are you restless as you wait, or are you hopeful that your waiting is exactly where He wants you, and a necessary part of the unfolding of His plan and purpose for you?  Because that's exactly what it is.  In fact, waiting can be a major faith and character builder.  And a lot of times, it's in the "waiting" period that God intends to mold us and better prepare and equip us for this thing we are waiting for.  Sometimes, we even discover that we were waiting and praying for the wrong thing altogether, and His answer is something else altogether.

The danger to our impatience is that we often are able to convince ourselves that He is moving too slowly, and we must make a move without His leading.  It's in these hasty moments that we justify choices led by our own selfish desires, our impulses, our emotions, and can make life changing choices that lead us out of His plan for us (and those following us!)...because we chose not to wait.  How scary!

I've been blessed to see God work in amazing ways for those who were willing to wait on Him.  HIS best for them.  HIS version of their life plan.  His story for you is far better than any you could write for yourself, and definately worth waiting for.

"Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion.  For the Lord is a God of justice.  Blessed are all who wait for Him!"  -Isaiah 30:18

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