Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Light of the World

Hi! Thanks for stopping by and checking out the new blog. My intention is to use this blog to encourage women and deepen their relationship with their Savior. I think we could all use a little more peace and quiet in this loud world...and if we don't allow ourselves time to listen for His voice, we will miss something vital in the hurried pace of our noisy lives!
“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12
God's promise to us is that whoever follows Him will NEVER walk in darkness. Have you ever had to walk down a long dark hallway, or through a dark parking lot to find your car? I can almost feel the hair on the back of my neck stand up just thinking about it. Your whole body can feel the darkness. It's so thick, that it seems to wrap its arms around you tightly.
God doesn't promise we'll never have to walk through a dark time in life...a time of sorrow or hardship, or loneliness. What He is promising is that He'll never leave you alone, and He'll always shine enough light on your path to keep your steps steady and sure, as long as you let Him lead you.
When you walk through the darkness with a light going BEFORE you, your path is well lit, atleast enough to see your next step. When we turn our backs to that light, our own bodies cast a dark shadow on our steps, and we can no longer see well. That's when our own pride and false sense of self assurance cause us to stumble.
So when you find yourself in a dark spot, remember that God wants to wrap His loving arms around you, so that you don't feel the heaviness of the darkness. The darkness can never own you, never take you over, as long as you keep following the light. And His light never goes out.

1 comment:

  1. You go girl!!!! Thanks for the wonderful reminder of HIS LIGHT!!! and POWER!
