Monday, January 23, 2012

Empty spaces?

The Empty Tomb

                          "He has risen just as He said." -Matthew 28:6

In all of us, there is some degree of brokenness. Something that was once whole, maybe too long ago to remember, but is now broken.  Shattered by pain, disapointment, rejection, guilt, or heartache.  That broken place can stay broken, and then it just feels like an emptiness.  A void.  And you may have become so accustomed to it, that you have forgotten what it feels like to have it whole, filled up.

God knows.  He knows our brokenness.  He knows the pain, or anger, or numbness. 

But He doesn't want to leave you that way. His death on the cross, and then resurrection was more than a love story.  It promises us that nothing broken ever has to stay that way.  It offers hope to the hopeless. 

That empty tomb was a visible, tangible message for us.  For God, NOTHING is impossible, too broken to fix, too ugly to make new. 

"The power of the resurrection means that nothing but the tomb is meant to be empty!" -beth moore

The empty spaces you have were meant to be filled by His love, grace, and mercy.  Maybe you haven't released it to Him yet.  Maybe you haven't totally trusted Him with those broken parts of your heart.  Maybe you feel ashamed for Him to see them, or maybe you've grown numb to them.

The sooner you let it go, and entrust Him with it, the sooner He can breath life back into those dark, dead spaces.  He'll make it better than new.

Psalm 147:3  He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.

Jeremiah 29:11  For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

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