Saturday, January 11, 2014

Delayed Gratification

Two ugly words in today's society...delayed gratification.  We don't like it.  Our minds have been programmed and pampered by the world we live in today to get what we want fairly quickly!  Whether its a hot meal at the drive thru, or a huge loan (bad credit or NO credit!!).  Waiting... we hate it.  It's physically painful sometimes.  Waiting for the light to change, waiting for a page to load, waiting for our kids to get through the door safely, waiting for test results.

So I found it interesting when my pastor tonight said" waiting is exciting!!  We should be eager with anticipation ..!" 

What he meant was that waiting for what God has planned should be exciting...why?? Because it comes with a promise.  A promise that He will follow through.  That He loves us and has our best interest in mind, and that, as we wait, He is working out the details on our behalf. 

We serve a God that loves us and has our best interest in mind.  Does that mean there will never be difficulties? Or sorrow? Or grief?  No way.  We live in a world of imperfect people and a place where sinful nature abounds.  Will God's plan always be what we originally hoped for?  Thankfully, no.  His plan is better than yours.  When we accept that with humility and gratitude, we can't be disappointed. 

When we are waiting for a storm to pass so we can catch the next flight, there will always be a chance it's just not going to happen.  But not with God.  Are you in the middle of your own storm? Has something terrible and unexpected happened? Are you angry and wondering how God could possibly have your best interest in mind?  The answer is this...wait, and trust.  Only God is capable of making something beautiful grow in a dead, lifeless place.  Wait.

 Think of the water and sun, and years and YEARS required to see the seed of an oak tree grow up to be strong enough to hold a swinging child!

We can wait with confidence and assurance that His plan with reveal itself in due time, and that He is good, all the time. 

So, when God's plan involves a lot of waiting... don't fret!  "Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him.." (Psalm 37:7)  Instead of allowing worry to take over, or the determination of your own will to change the course of God's plan, just wait...with anticipation.