Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Come As You Are

The whole message of Jesus' life, and death, was one of love...complete, unconditional, limitless love...the kind that, even the people who lived day-to-day with Him, wouldn't understand until He was gone.  The kind that we, no matter how many great sermons we hear on the subject, still have a hard time wrapping our human minds around. 

Why? Because it defies logic.  It doesn't make sense for one person to take upon himself the sins of the whole world, and die a gruesome, painful death, for love.  Maybe somewhere in the back of our minds, a small voice may still whisper, "you don't deserve it.  He died for others...but not you.  You aren't enough."

This is just one lie satan would have you believe to keep you from experiencing the fullness of God's love and the rest and peace that come from really believing it.

I love the lyrics of Broken and Beautiful, by Mark Schultz...

"There's a businessman
There's a widowed wife
There's a smiling face with a shattered life
There's a teenage girl with a choice to make
It's crowded here in church today
And the preacher says as the sermon ends
"Please close your eyes and bow your heads
Is there anyone in need of prayer
Jesus wants to meet you here"
'cause we ALL fall short
We all have sinned
But when you let
God's Grace break in…
It's beautiful
Come as you are
Surrender your heart...cause there's nothing more beautiful to God than when his daughters and sons come broken.. broken and beautiful"

Remember this message, each and every day.  God did not come to save the sinless, or perfect.  (of which there are none..)  And in order to feel the fullness of His great love for you, His daughter, you must come to realize that He loves you just as you are, today! Satan would have us believe that we are too knee deep in guilt, sin, imperfection, and unworthiness, to ever approach God, but the truth is quite the opposite.  There is nothing you can ever do to deserve His sacrafice...it's a free gift, and it's for YOU!
   Just humble yourself...let Him in,  let Him pour out His love and healing on your heart.  Come to him just as you are, today.

    "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,  and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus."  Romans 3:23-24

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.
Ephesians 2:8